Monday, December 19, 2011

A BEARY Happy Birthday

Yesterday we went to Build a bear.  We went there becuase it was Lissa's birthday.  I all ready have a Build A Bear that I made when I was a baby.  Lissa has always wanted one so we got one for her.  If you have never been to Build a Bear, this is what you do: 
1.  You go to the store and pick a bear that is all flat.  You also give a name to your bear and see if it is a boy or a girl.
2.  You go to the fluffer and it fills it up till it is soft and cuddly.  At the fluffer, you also get a heart for your bear so it will love you.
3.  You go to the bath and give it a bath.
4.  You pick out clothes and outfits for it and get it dressed.
5.  You go to a computer and then make the birth certificate.
6.  You get a home for your bear and GO HOME!

And now, you have read how to make a Build A Bear.  So if you would like to go to one in your town, you can write down this list from my blog and you will know just what to do!  Lissa got a pink bear with pink pajamas and a Tinkerbelle outfit.  My bear is special because I got it from my Nana and I got a new outfit for him.  He looks very cool!

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun day for all of us, wasn't it? Breakfast at Friendlies, then Build-a-Bear!


