Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Kittens story for the week!

These are the kittens at my house!  These kittens are very very clever, because they learned how to climb up the fence to their play ground and so we had to take it down.  In a few more weeks they had more space. Then we had another problem. One day when Ooma opened the door to Robbie's room Valkyrie the mom came flying out and ran downstairs and had a big fight with our cat Maui.  Maui hurt Valkyrie's ear with his paw and Valkyrie hurt Maui's tail. We don't know exactly what they were into, it was a mystery about that.  Two kittens ar at new homes now but there are still 2 kittens left.  We are still looking for good homes for them.  This is KC and this is the kittens story.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great summary of our kittens journey into their new life, KC....excellent job!

    We need to take some newer pictures of the two kitties who are still here, don't we?


